Clea Shearer admitted that she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer

Clea Shearer found an aggressive form of breast cancer
The producer believes that she is ready to defeat a deadly disease.

Clea Shearer of The Home Edit has revealed that she has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer called "invasive breast carcinoma". The producer told on her blog she doesn't have a history of breast cancer in her family.

Shearer first discovered the tumor during a self-diagnosis.

"I felt something, a mass, a lump. But I didn't know what a lump actually even felt like, so I was just in my hotel room Googling, 'What does a breast tumor feel like?" she said.

Clea added that she is positive and believes she can defeat the deadly disease, informs DailyMail.

Read also: Demi Jones admits she started to hate her body after battling thyroid cancer.

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